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The concept of business process management is based on the following assumptions:
- Business process management is based on the measurement results of processes and process map
- We monitor the cost of support processes continuously
- Analyze the effectiveness of your changes on the basis of the result of the analysis and measurement
- In order to achieve the intended changes in the way we implement business management system activities by objectives (MBO) for executives and employees
- We analyze the effect of implemented changes in the quality and speed of service
- We focus only on bringing tangible economic benefits, otherwise the implementation is meaningless
- Any action or group of actions, its owner is responsible for the implementation of the changes and the maintenance of the established indicators

Why business process management is important?
Business process management provides first and foremost, the consistency of the information flow. a change in the way they handle one can affect the other service. Business process management makes under the influence of the flow of information departments in a company are able to easily customize the way and mode of work to be done to achieve the best results.
Why are they so important business processes in your company?
- Legal changes, budget, new channels of supply, new products, require changes in the way they handle and implementation. For example, the implementation of the e-shop as a new sales channel, can significantly change the behavior of the company if the software company does not reconsider how to handle orders, distribution of goods, etc.
- The company developing for many years begins to have serious problems at the expense of the process, because the competition services cheaper, simpler. So if you want to meet the new challenges, it is necessary to measure the processes and the creation of maps processes to accurately schedule changes in the organizational structure of what in the way of action
- The company intends to purchase a new ERP software to manage your business, with a view that the new system will heal a company with current issues-here feel free to contact Mr. Konrad to uszczec company prior to such thinking.
- Scheduled optimization changes as a result of the analysis of business processes require the verification of whether the objectives have been achieved. For example, the implementation of workflow system has to improve the way the circulation of documents and the use of the results of the measurement processes allows for an assessment of the effectiveness of the changes. If you will deploy the worklow system without prior analysis of who is responsible for what, how to improve really working is only system will take us to the current mess to the new system. It is because that the company implementing system workflow does not solve any problem if it is not duly defined and named
- Cost and time support requires permanent monitoring. For example, the measurement of customer service time from first contact to delivery should be reduced, but more importantly, it should be continuously monitored, in order to raise the efficiency of the Organization, as well as to establish a lasting relationship with the client, to under the influence of high quality service was willing to take advantage of the offered products or services
- Optimization of business process management should correlate with the objectives of MBO in the company. The objectives of the managers and line managers should correlate with the planned changes in the way they handle and the execution of operations, otherwise fail to implement the planned changes in business process management
- Business solutions before 5 years may not fit into today's expectations of the market, therefore, require constant monitoring and-if necessary-as soon as the modification

Process management is to bring real economic benefits, therefore, quite good, it's not good enough. Customers expect faster service and high quality at an affordable price.
The benefits of business process management
- Reducing the cost of manual processes
- Permanent monitoring of changes in the Organization
- Faster handling processes
- Increase the efficiency of the activities of the company
- Constant control of processes
- By measuring the processes we can verify the effectiveness of the changes
- The company is managed process, which lowers the costs of its operation by increasing the efficiency of the

Between 10-20% of the company gains by managing processes

Why work with us
- We know how to achieve better efficiency in the company
- We can measure the factors affecting the large maintenance costs
- Eliminate activities that reduce work efficiency
- We have identified solutions that automate processes
- Lower costs of operation processes between departments
- We rely on proven solutions
- We know when to invest in information systems to return, and when the same organisational changes will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of
- We have ready solutions for optimisation in terms of, inter alia: the efficiency of the work, the efficiency of back-office, effective coordination of projects
- We are aware of the internal restrictions because we offer real solutions based on measurement and process map
- We combine theoretical knowledge with business process management with experience in conducting business, the pursuit of excellence is not an end in itself

Our experience and proven practice to move on actual company
Our service
Comprehensive business process management:
- measurement of processes
- process mapping
- analysis of the need for changes in the way they handle
- automation project
- implementation of advanced solutions for the measurement of working time
- quality supervision on processes
- implementation of advanced solutions for the measurement of working time for Office staff and technical positions
- the designation of the purpose of the frame through the objectives of management remuneration
- constant monitoring of processes
- preparation of a complete document patterns, procedures/instructions for employees-defining modus operandi after optimization
- training for employees and managers