Procesy w biznesie
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Improve the efficiency of

Our concept

Improving the effectiveness of the work achieved by our methodology (THERE. "Total Activities Management") as a result of the carried out process optimization. In our concept of improving the efficiency of we focus not so much on cutting social expenditure, downsizing, what to eliminate unnecessary steps staff work, duplicated, performed inefficiently. improve the way the most valuable tasks (m. in. by changing the way actions/change in the process (for example: another Division is responsible for the process)/deployment of information systems).

According to our concept of the key to effectively raise the work efficiency, we must examine the course of processes and measure processes, not only in one section, but also in cooperating. In our approach, rather than complicated bonus plans, real poor places looking for workers overloads the efficiency of the organization. With our methodology we can these spots indicate dimension them numerically and to recommend changes in the way they handle processes to improve efficiency.

With the collected information, and that we are also able to offer additional suggestions, including for example, many of the procedures and internal processes, or change the scope of responsibilities of the part of the workers or the implementation of information systems.

[In order to effectively raise the work efficiency, we must examine the course of processes and measure processes, not only in one section, but also in cooperating.

The most common optimization in a percentage applies to each of the sections.]

See also: optimization of working time

Konrad Bajor

Outlines the three main directions of improvements in handling processes and, consequently, improve the effectiveness of the work:


1) Changes within the organizational unit in the company, including:

  • To eliminate duplicated operations
  • Organise activities within the posts in one section
  • Load balancing workers
  • An indication of the scaling methods team
  • Internal recovery resources by improving the efficiency of
  • We suggest that changes in the tasks of individual positions
  • We suggest that changes in the tasks of managers
  • Changes in the way action

2) changes in the way the Organization of the company without the need for the implementation of the change in other areas, including:

  • Eliminate duplicated tasks between departments
  • Rules of communication
  • The Division of responsibilities for processes, documents, etc.
  • Determination of optimal process between departments
  • Determine the expected quality of the data by each of the participants in the process
  • Establish procedures and instructions

3) Changes in the way they handle processes through information systems, including:

  • We create simple solutions to improve the work based on sheets of xls, word, a macro that without expensive investments can improve work 2-3 times.
  • Support in choosing the right it solutions (domestic and foreign), to improve the handling of processes: support the sales process, support for after-sales service;
  • Create requirements for existing suppliers to improve support processes;
  • Raising the ergonomics of work;
  • Improving the Organization of the design work in the company;
  • We base our recommendations about the cheapest possible solution.
  • We recommend that you implement information systems under the specific needs-we recommend you not to implement an ERP system as the only solution to all the problems in the company, because the ERP system in itself does not solve all the problems and can often create a new …
The aim of our activities is to raise the efficiency of the process, and not a single operation



When to use our services

[Do optymalizacji podchodzimy kompleksowo. Rozpoczynamy od pomiaru procesów, a kończymy nadzorując wybór dostawcy i wdrożenie zmian w firmie]

  • The company has a problem with inefficient implementation of business processes, but senior management is too busy surgery to independently diagnose the cause and carry out changes;
  • The dynamic development of the company enforces implementation of modern solutions to optimize service processes;
  • The company knows that for the optimization of business processes needs to implement of the information system, but has difficulty with defining what specific solution needs;
  • The Management Board of the company decided to replace the ERP system-STOP, first determine the real needs in the company

Why work with us

  • We have completed several projects related to raising work efficiency in companies with many branches
  • We combine knowledge about processes with real experience in business-the pursuit of excellence is not an end in itself
  • We have a proven methodology for the analysis and measurement of processes
  • In any business, you can find a place to improve efficiency-we know how it identify and measure.
  • To ensure the balance between quality and cost, target solutions shaping wariantowo depending on the scale of the product that the process is;
  • With roots in the IT area, a number of optimization in the processes we rely on solutions without forgetting the integration with existing systems. Nothing improves the process of how well chosen it solution;
  • We are aware of the internal restrictions because we offer real solutions tailored to the specifics of your company
  • Go ahead, we recommend automating the processes through information systems.
  • We are not a software reseller, we can pick out the solutions to the needs and capabilities of each company.
  • This is what sets us apart, is a managerial understanding of business goals and looking at the prospect of the process as a whole, and not through the prism of a single employee
Mechanika procesu biznesowego
Do not experiment-within the framework of our experience we bring a set of ready-made solutions

How we operate

The range of the service depends on the specific case. Possible components of the services:

Preparation of optimization:

  • Identification of processes
  • Measurement of processes
  • Analysis of business processes
  • Analysis of growth potential of efficiency.
  • Preparation of recommendations for changes in business processes

Comprehensive implementation of optimization:

  • preparation requirements for the information system (new/changes to the existing system), support in the selection of suppliers (see also: support the selection of information systems)
  • the choice of suppliers of it solutions
  • preparation of documentation processes "Optimization"
  • preparing complete patterns of documents, procedures/instructions for employees-that define the mode of action after optimization
  • training for employees and managers

Improving efficiency is a result of clever strategy changes in handling processes.