- The company carries out a different scale, but there is no real data on the cost of production of individual products or provide services
- The company has enhanced internal departments providing services to other departments-it is difficult, however, to assess the extent to which these various business departments support departments%
- The company feels the need to optimise costs, but there is no measurable data on sites which are a real bottleneck
- The company has implemented a reorganization, but none felt the effects of the

Companies operating as a process. repeatedly according to identified business processes, it is important to realize how much they cost and how much they are underway. In contrast to projects for repeated much more depends on the adequate organisation of the work than the individual ability of each employee, therefore, constant measurement of business processes is the ideal tool for businesses that wish to carry out the optimization of their business in a way that is aware and mature.
Our concept of process organisation shall take into account the need to perform cyclic measurement of business processes. Our activities are based on the methodology (Total Activities Management):
- the focus is on measuring human labour costs within the identified processes
- identify business processes – by creating a map of the activity in accordance with the provisions of the methodology. We share them on tasks and activities, but we do not link them in the path is unnecessary complication
- We identified a number of processes the attributes so that the results obtained can be properly classified
- performance measurement is supported the registration of working time based on assumptions the methodology there. Employees record their daily working time indicating how much time is spent on individual tasks defined within the framework of previously created maps
- set the appropriate supervision of the procedures made reports to ensure the objectivity of measurement
- We implement tools (reports) for the presentation of the measurement results and the current supervision of the application of the measurement procedures

Focus on labour costs within measurement processes is our conscious choice.
We are aware that wages in Poland gradually aspire to those in Western countries, which in the short few years optimizing cost of work will double its importance. See also: labour cost Optimization
In our methodology we focus on the measurement of labour costs, although it is possible to integrate the results of our methodology to gather data from external systems such as: Subscriber billing and make aggregate data analysis. Measurement processes is for us the starting point for the detail the course of least optimal processes and preparation of recommendations for optimization. This is the basis for the activities aimed at improving the functioning of the backoffice divisions in the company.
When there is a need for measurement processes
„Manage = measure”-is a well known principle. Measurement of processes is useful even when everything seems to be fine. Measurement processes often actual show weaknesses in the Organization of the company
Examples of the effects of measurement processes
Process-oriented measurement over output section
Classic business process management-focused attention on managing the work of a single chapter/vertical. Process approach focuses on cross-examination, how are the main services-regardless of how many departments are involved in this implementation.
In the classical approach is the measurement of costs takes place according to the static organizational structure/posts. He gives selective picture of the cost of certain works.
The organization focuses on the measurement of labour costs according to actual business processes, passing through many departments. This approach will give you the total picture of the cost (the sum of the work of many departments):

Costliest together turned out to be under-verification process financial documents, despite the fact that at the highest cost in a single section had the process of archiving. Probable cause lies in duplication of the same work by various sections.
Cumulative analysis of the measured costs of implementation processes

Presentation of the results of measurements in information systems
Detailed measurement of the cost of the implementation process provides each day the vast amounts of data.
These data have many dimensions, which can be grouped and analyzed.
Effective data analysis requires the support of a dedicated reporting tools. Such tools are the results of the measurements by refreshing the data online. They allow mobile access to data through working in a Web browser.

The use of dedicated software raportowego not only facilitates the analysis of data. Allows you to access results for operational managers (suitable for them in-range). Thanks to this, the managers have instant feedback about generated by their teams and can dynamically respond/make improvements.

Other benefits
Business benefits:
- the assessment of the cost of production of individual products and services cost, which consists of the work of many departments is a base for informed pricing
- evaluation of the cost of handling each key clients-the base for the decision to continue support for unprofitable contracts
- the actual assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the individual business divisions – getting the overhead cost of administration departments
Support for improving the efficiency of:
- to identify the most costly actions – focus on optimizing for these places
- saving information systems-automation of only those areas that actually generate the highest cost
- the assessment of the effects of the implemented reorganisation
- the opportunity to compare the cost of implementation of similar services by the different teams/departments
- evaluation of trends in the cost of the operation is the base for the decision of recruitment
- the real assessment of the cost of „end to end” is a reliable base for the decision to outsource

Measurement of the actual costs of the functioning of the administrative departments („backoffice”) allows you to assess the actual economic effectiveness of business departments.
There is a separate measurement of the „backoffice” broken down for individual business divisions
- And BPM identifies processes and individual tasks/activities
- BPM allows you to measure the time of the operation, THERE shall be measured effort (cost)
- BPM combines operations processes, reorders and manages the information flow
- There is focused on the order of actions, only the fact of their existence and their „intensity”
- … it is fast to implement
- Thanks to the simplistic-quick reaction to changes. Company reorganisations and changes process do not need to change the configuration of the implementation THERE is no limit so the company quick reactions to change, what’s the gripe BPM systems
- Compared to the time the implementation of class systems, BPM (6 m-cy) in there get preliminary data already after 1 month the final report after 3 months of measurement processes
Not preclude the BPM-is a tool for measuring kierunkującym for the implementation of BPM/Workflow in areas that require optimization. THERE results allow to estimate the savings from the eventual implementation of the system of class Workflow/BPM.

Termination of a-grade Workflow/BPM is a large cost and a long time to implement
The methodology THERE is quick to implement and gives a similar, reliable measurement results
How we operate
Of which consists of our service
The scope of services depends on the specific case. Possible constituent services:
- identification of existing processes and mapping processes/steps into the company
- provide a configured system for recording working hours within the framework of the individual processes
- build reports for analysis of results of measurements
- implementation of process organization within the company
- training for employees and managers
- supervision and management of the activities on the implementation of the new standards is the monitoring of the application of the procedures, coaching
- final report-recommendations of the optimization process
Why work with us
- We have experience in measuring processes and identifying recommendations changes
- We are aware of the internal restrictions because we offer real solutions
- Offered by us measurement methodology is optimum in relation to cost effects
- We combine the knowledge about the processes of real experience in conducting and managing business-the pursuit of excellence is not an end in itself
- Go ahead, we recommend you to automate processes through information systems is a very convenient way to manage.
- We offer support from A to Z
- We are not a software reseller, so we can find a solution to the needs and capabilities of each company