Procesy w biznesie
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Measurement, analysis and accounting of working time

Our concept

We offer a solution for bridging the copyright of measurement, analysis and settling time. This solution is called PraxiProcess-goes far beyond the scope of classical working time registration system (the so-called. „RCP”) or the monitoring of employees. On the basis of the projects, activities and tasks, not only allows you to clear the working time, but also of measuring business processes.

PraxiProcess solution is based on an advanced tool Timesheet (Beebole), however, has been extended with modules for the central management of the processes, and a collection of modules that integrate.

PraxiProcess focuses on the processes in the company, because their optimization (by measuring and analysing the structure of the working time) is much more effective than an analysis of the theoretical process. Our solution allows for measuring the real costs of the process.

With our solution you can respond accurately to questions: what the worker was doing, for whom, why and under what process. These data also are used to settle the time working with subcontractors within the company or with your customers.

Properly prepared map according to the steps of the methodology THERE and dedicated system reports and analyses, allowing you to indicate the directions of the improvement in the Organization on the basis of the „hard” figures from reports of workers.

Proper working time and billing administration

What makes our solution:

  • We have a set of default system configuration PraxiProcess suited to industries: IT, administrative departments (Backoffice), advisory services, legal services, marketing, sales activities
  • the default configuration (maps) always are adapted to the needs of specific customer
  • We focus on ergonomics and intuitive solutions
  • We partnered with mobile devices
  • the system enables the generation of multi-dimensional analysis of working time
  • We focus on the mechanisms of self-control of workers
  • the results of the measure are used for settlement of working time with the customer and within the company
  • the implementation we provide know-how
  • our system does not need to buy and install-offered solution available as a Web application available in the „cloud”
  • an optional mechanism for autoraportowania activity on MS Office documents
  • optional reporting mechanism through e-mail into MS Outlook

Read also: optimization of labour costs


For whom is our solution?

  • The company planning the implementation of ERP systems
  • The company about the nature of the project, which must keep track of the cost of projects, subprojects
  • The company, for which the cost optimization is a priority
  • Companies that use accounting of working time according to the working hours (for example,. law firms, marketing agencies, consultancy firms)
  • The company’s multi-locational, wishing to supervise employees ’ mobile ’
  • Companies having a problem with the efficiency of a
  • A company wishing to introduce „soft” employee monitoring
  • Administrative departments that provide services and paying by plastic distribution keys
  • Companies that want to know what their employees really do and why it takes so much time
Konrad Bajor
Measurement system analysis and the settlement of
working time based on methodology „out there” becomes a circle
flywheel for the company – increases the efficiency of the employees and the company
optimizes costs

Benefits for companies

  • accurate accounting of working time between the departments, contractors and clients
  • an effective method of identifying sites requiring optimization
  • real cost savings as a result of the implementation of the recommendations on measurement processes
  • cost control
  • control of working time
  • support in identifying required resources company
  • effective method to optimize costs in the company
  • organize initiatives in the company along with defining budgets and their control
  • the Organization of the activities of the project company
Implementing the methodology with the recommended PraxiProcess system, your company can reduce costs by up to 20% through the Elimination of unnecessary steps and changes in the organization.

The company gains the know-how on how to increase the efficiency of work in the company.


Selected characteristics of a system for the measurement of working time

Ergonomics and speed

The success of the implementation of the system for measuring and accounting of working time determines the attitude of the employees to implement. That is why so much importance we attach to the ergonomics and training.

  • Data entry is done in a way that is intuitive, without embarrassing the „Save” button
  • The system dynamically creates a list of active jobs employee
  • The system is distinguished by its color the same project tasks
  • Dynamic system suggests matching the name of projects
  • Ability to submit reports by sending an e-mail message to the server
  • The possibility of the settlement of working time on the basis of important subscriber billing talk
  • Ability to submit reports by Praxi application Timer
  • The possibility of automatic clearance of active tasks on MS Office documents
  • The ability to use Beacon for measurement
Monthly fee for active users

PraxiProcess solution offered by us is available as a service in the „cloud”-the customer makes only a monthly fee for the use, with the possibility of resignation at any time.

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Importing billing telephone lifts
Import bilingów telefonicznych
For the imported item billing can be attributed to projects and tasks, and the system automatically reports the time with dial-up lift
Possibility analysis of work on documents
Pomiar czasu aktywności
The analysis of the work on documents, emails, presentations and assign them to projects, activities, and tasks
PraxiTimer app on the iPad
Praxi Timer w rozliczaniu czasu pracy
Possibility of registration time by application PraxiTimer (PraxiProcess system) with the use of mobile devices in any location. There is a possibility of renting a iPad with PraxiTimer.
Supervision of the registration procedure of working time

System supervision:

  • the system automatically sends an email with notification of overdue reports
  • the system assigns workers to „negative points” for delayed submission of reports – is an additional motivation to comply with the procedures
  • automatic measurement of activity on MS Word documents with the ability to assign tasks and projects
  • ability to submit reports via e-mails
  • monitoring of the budget of the projects and activity groups
  • protection against changes in reports after acceptance
Widok zmian w raportach pomagający w analizie czasu pracy
The ability to preview changes in the submitted reports.
Analiza, kontrola i rozliczanie czasu pracy
A mechanism for the allocation of negative points for late registration time.
Surveillance tools for managers
  • acceptance of the reports by the leader
  • determine the budgets of projects by Leaders
  • a detailed log of all changes in reports
  • We provide reports and comparative statement
  • the system provides reports from the analysis of the structure of the working time of an employee
  • use the preview hour budget for those responsible for the project/activity
  • benchmarking and checksums report submitted
Zestawienie budżetu, czasu i rozkładu zadań
Comparative analysis, review of the budget.
Extensive reporting capabilities and data analysis
  • Registered by the staff of the data about performed activities provide valuable information for further analysis
  • The system has a number of built-in reports and charts to keep track of the cost structure of working time in regard to the planned budgets for projects and activities
  • Ability to create reports and saving them
  • The ability to export data to CSV files with the possibility of further analysis in Ms Excel classes
Raporty analityczne do rozliczenia czasu pracy
Project budgeting and accounting of working time
  • The ability to define a fixed budget and hour
  • The ability to break down the entire budget of the project in subprojects
  • Tracking the use of the budget of the project and subprojects
  • Accounting of working time according to the hours or the performance of the tasks of the
  • The possibility of reporting data on the State of the budget
Narzędzia budżetowania, analizy i raportowania
The red color means exceeding the planned budget, and gives you the ability to preview.

What sets us apart

After you deploy our solutions begin to perceive your business process – plain T & a system alone is not enough. It is multidimensional analysis-3D Time, which ensures our solution.

The characteristics of the system:

  • the desktop of the user with the ability to adapt to individual needs
  • ergonomics and speed
  • Export selected data for further analysis
  • mobile access-from anywhere with mobile devices
  • integration with Google Docs
  • a simple model for SaaS billing
  • built-in API to integrate with other systems
  • import and export data in various formats
  • the ability to embed your own modules
  • multilingualism
  • many methods for time & attendance
  • the lack of a single expenditure for the implementation of the system of licenses and servers
  • no trouble with the administration of the system/it/care new versions
  • data is safe-no one effectively protects access to the system as dedicated „data center”
  • zero obligation-the possibility of interruption of service at any time, without irreversible expenditure for initial investment

Adjust the input interface to the specifics of your business.

Tabele niezbędne w analizie czasu pracy
Base for PraxiProcess system is an advanced system for the measurement of working time and the Belgian company BeeBole, which uses hundreds of companies in dozens of countries in the EU and outside the EU.

In the framework of the implementation we provide ready-to-work tool, and not an independent system configurations


The implementation of our solutions

  • The implementation of the start of the adaptation to the specifics of the company operations maps
  • The same measurements for employees training fixture-in order to achieve reliable data employees need to know the purpose and benefits of the implementation of the system of PraxiProcess
  • Thanks to the results of measurement, we can perform multidimensional analysis (3D), which shall indicate precisely the place to optimize
  • The results of the measurements are a valuable source of information in the process of budgeting and planned changes in organisational structures
  • The results of the measurements can be used for recurring billing work time within the company, with customers or contractors
implementation technique

The details of the deals

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  • provide a configured system PraxiProcess
  • training for employees and managers
  • providing basic reports to analyze the effectiveness of the
  • support in the early days of use
  • support payments in PLN


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  • analysis and study of the map of activities in accordance with the needs of the company
  • provide a configured PraxiProcess system for measuring and working time
  • training for employees and managers
  • build reports for advanced analysis of the results
  • full support system: add new employees, for a period measurement (min. 2 m-ce)
  • recurring monthly reports, operations maps for the management
  • the reporting mechanism via email (optional)
  • analysis of the mechanism of the activity working on documents (optional)
  • analysis of collected data-recommendations to optimize
  • the final report, with an indication of the places to optimize
