Optimization of the costs of the work can be achieved in many ways. Our focus is on the concept performed by employees of the steps-we eliminate those unnecessary and improve how to perform najkosztowniejszych tasks (m. others. by changing the process/implementation of information systems).
The key to optimization of costs and their measurement. In our approach, instead of complex systems of workflow/BPM to measure we implement a comprehensive system for recording working time compatible with the methodology, the Total Activities Management "(TAM).
The key distinguishing features of our approach:
- During deployment, you define a list of tasks in the form of "maps of activities and actions", which defines what can be in the company (section) performed
- We identified for a number of attributes, so that the results obtained can be properly classified
- Obligowani employees are to report working time-indicating the task with user-defined "business maps and activities"
- Employees report all of your time – from coming out of the company
- The implementation includes at the same time, some departments that work together, and so a large part of the workers
- We measure time also acts, and not just the fringe this dedicated to projects
Through the use of the methodology THERE disadvantages associated with the registration of working time shall be reduced to a minimum, as it indicates a specific person taking responsibility for the cost of "projects" which folded reports work. As a result, the reports themselves are more objective, because the reported costs are verified by the sources responsible is not a person.
We not only work, but also we are consulting and analytical system for recording working time and train employees with the rules of the methodology "out there". Each optimization of labour costs is so comprehensively.
Thanks to the information gathered, and that we are also able to submit additional suggestions, including for example, the introduction of information systems, procedures and internal processes of remodelling, or change the scope of responsibilities of the part of the employees.
As a solution for time & attendance system we recommend T & a Belgian company BeeBole, which we are a business partner in Polish.

Methodology of Total Activities management "(there) is transformed into" the registration of working time "with a simple Manager support tools at the level of monitoring system and optimization of working time, which results are addressed to the boards of companies.

The usual "timesheet.exe" Methodology THERE
When to use
Our statistics show that approximately 10% of the working time of employees the incredibly hard working on subjects of which they should not do.

- employees are always heavily busy, we do not know, however, what
- run internal and organizational projects underway in infinity
- work is carried out manually (without tools), despite the fact that it is repeatable
- the sections do not have confidence in the work of other departments-implement "someone else's work" in-house
- a large number of cumbersome procedures, expenditure on them have no justification in the benefits from the use of the procedure
- employees spend a lot of time on the shared meetings
Optimization of costs according to the methodology THERE shall be both in the design environment, and businesses by repetitive processes, and also about the nature of organizations.
Sample effects
Employees themselves to optimize your working time
Accurate records of working time per each task
Revealing the persons responsible for the costs of the tasks (projects)
Task leaders alone limit the involvement of other employees to really needed!

Optimization of the cost pricing system listed below
Monitoring of working time over bids thanks achieved THERE extends the classic approach to the analysis of the effectiveness of the tendering process:
- the high number of rejected offers by the customer is not a problem in itself, if deals are boilerplate and easy to implement
- the problem is the high expenditure on low ofertyzację efficiency

The assignment of responsibility for the cost of the work on the preparation of bids to offer Sales Manager initialization causes that it optimizes the expenditure on the bidding process.
Manager resigns from topics that require considerable effort by a small chance of winning.

Identification of problematic actions
Appropriate organisation "map reported" allows you to analyze the types of elementary steps performed by the employees.
THERE methodology allows for the synthesis of the cost of activities not only within the framework of the project, but the entire Department, and even the entire company!
The attached next to the sample chart working time shows that a surprisingly long time employees spend on inefficient computer system-field to optimize costs.

Track employee recycling
Monitor each activity allows you to constantly measure the utilisation of workers-IE. the ratio of the quantity of hours "productively sold" to the amount of the total hours available to workers.
Disposal shall be measured at the level of the whole company, and the individual teams (the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of the management of individual managers and the implementation of optimization).
It is possible to analyse the "into the depths"-to determine what kinds of activity of lower utilisation.

Other benefits
- The ability to track expenditure on warranty service of each product, an analysis of the impact of the release of a new version of the product warranty costs
- Optimization of cross-departmental accounts by Automation-worker's activities and on to section B are inherently reported
- High awareness of "what they do" on his superiors, any task thrown at the side (for example,. consultation for sales department) are immediately visible
- The ability to assess the behavior of individual employees-detecting "deviations from the average" reported costs of the tasks of the
- Automation in the field of settlement of extra working hours
- A base for estimating the amount of future projects is saved to history implementation of similar tasks in the past
- The base for the bonus system based on bonus tasks
- Use the experience of NovaPraxis experts in identifying sites to optimize costs and propose effective methods to improve
- Insight into what do managers (e.g.. planning, risk management, coaching, etc.).
- Quick, nieangażujące Client implementation providing rapid results

The proposed methodology minimizes the adverse phenomenon "favors next door"-their cost "in the cloud" is at the expense of the Department, which favors.
The proposed methodology is also a tool to measure the effects made under it to optimize costs.
What is included in our service
- analysis and development of maps under the Act the company
- provide a configured system to register
- build reports for analyzing the results of the registration system
- training for employees and managers
- final report-recommendations to optimize costs
Post-project support (options):
- Update maps for/activities-application to emerging projects
- provision of advice to staff in the use of working time registration
- maintenance and optimization defined map acts to always reflect the current task structure is in the company
- inference from the data, transfer the recommendation to change
Time and attendance can be a project 1-razowym ending proposals recommended continuous monitoring process or cost optimization and improvement of the company.